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JamesDelivery.com.br Database Leaked - 1.5 Million User Records Exposed!

JamesDelivery.com.br Database Leaked - 1.5 Million User Records Exposed!

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JamesDelivery.com.br Database Leaked - 1.5 Million User Records Exposed! - In March 2020, Brazilian delivery service "James" experienced a data breach, exposing 1.5m users.

In March 2020, a data breach occurred involving the Brazilian delivery service "James." This breach remained undisclosed until June 2020 when it was put up for sale. The breach exposed sensitive information of approximately 1.5 million individuals, including their email addresses, geographic locations expressed in longitude and latitude, and passwords that were stored as bcrypt hashes.

Compromised data: Email addresses, Geographic locations, Passwords

Password: b1nd.net

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