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Ladders Inc. United States Online Job Search Service 13.7M Data Leaked!


Staff member
TheLadders.com, a recruiting job search platform, had 13.7 million user records leaked, including email addresses and names, with additional details such as past companies, job titles, education, and preferences.


{"sort": 3136049, "security-clearance": , "experience": {"past-companies": , "past-titles": , "experiences": , "last-company": , "last-title": }, "education": {"schools": , "highest-degree-id": , "highest-category-id": , "highest-degree": , "educations": }, "last-resume-update": , "profile-status": "Approved", "profile-status-id": 5, "professional-summary": "", "mobile-phone": "", "email": "fsured19@yahoo.com", "last-job-application": , "work-authorization": , "profile-visibility-id": 1, "firstname": "Scott", "job-preferences": {"industries": , "classifications": {"source": "auto", "specialties": {"id": 210, "label": "Philanthropy/Fundraising"}, {"id": 205, "label": "Admin/Office"}, {"id": 144, "label": "Supply Chain/Logistics"}, {"id": 192, "label": "Hospitality"}, {"id": 141, "label": "Project/Process Management"}, {"id": 139, "label": "General Management & Strategy"}, {"id": 193, "label": "Food & Beverage"}, {"id": 191, "label": "Other Specialties"}, {"id": 143, "label": "Quality Control"}, {"id": 142, "label": "Buying & Procurement"}, {"id": 158, "label": "HR Environment Health and Safety"}, {"id": 127, "label": "IT Project Management"}, {"id": 138, "label": "Customer Service"}, {"id": 140, "label": "Plant/Facilities Management"}, {"id": 207, "label": "Management Consulting"}, "version": 0, "roles": {"id": 104, "label": "Technology"}, {"id": 107, "label": "HR"}, {"id": 112, "label": "Other"}, {"id": 105, "label": "Operations/GM"}}, {"source": "auto", "specialties": {"id": 1121, "label": "Customer Service"}, {"id": 1128, "label": "Project & Process Management"}, {"id": 1125, "label": "Management Consulting"}, {"id": 1156, "label": "HR Environment, Health and Safety"}, {"id": 1122, "label": "Executive"}, {"id": 1109, "label": "Technical Project Management"}, {"id": 1129, "label": "Quality Control"}, {"id": 1127, "label": "Plant & Facilities Management"}, {"id": 1124, "label": "Hospitality"}, {"id": 1126, "label": "Philanthropy & Fundraising"}, {"id": 1120, "label": "Buying & Procurement"}, {"id": 1119, "label": "Administrative & Office"}, {"id": 1123, "label": "General Management & Strategy"}, {"id": 1130, "label": "Supply Chain & Logistics"}, "version": 1, "roles": {"id": 1101, "label": "Technology"}, {"id": 1106, "label": "Human Resources & Legal"}, {"id": 1103, "label": "Operations & GM"}}, {"source": "auto", "specialties": {"id": 2702, "label": "Project Management"}, {"id": 2703, "label": "Technical Project Management"}, {"id": 2505, "label": "Process Management"}, {"id": 2701, "label": "Business Analysis"}, {"id": 2504, "label": "Plant & Facilities Management"}, {"id": 2501, "label": "Administrative & Office"}, {"id": 2603, "label": "HR Environmental Health & Safety"}, {"id": 2507, "label": "Supply Chain & Logistics"}, {"id": 2506, "label": "Quality Control"}, {"id": 2502, "label": "Buying & Procurement"}, {"id": 2503, "label": "General & Operations Management"}, "version": 2, "roles": {"id": 2500, "label": "Operations & General Management"}, {"id": 2600, "label": "Human Resources & Legal"}, {"id": 2700, "label": "Project Management"}}, {"source": "auto", "specialties": {"id": 3701, "label": "Business Analysis"}, {"id": 3702, "label": "Business Project Management"}, {"id": 3703, "label": "Technical Project Management"}, {"id": 3704, "label": "Program Management"}, {"id": 3510, "label": "Government & Military"}, {"id": 3508, "label": "Quality Management"}, {"id": 3507, "label": "Process Management"}, {"id": 3505, "label": "Plant & Facilities Management"}, {"id": 3509, "label": "Supply Chain & Logistics"}, {"id": 3504, "label": "Operations Management"}, {"id": 3501, "label": "Administrative & Office"}, {"id": 3506, "label": "Procurement"}, {"id": 3503, "label": "General Manager/Location Manager"}, {"id": 3502, "label": "Environmental Health & Safety"}, "version": 3, "roles": {"id": 3700, "label": "Project & Program Management"}, {"id": 3500, "label": "Operations & General Management"}}, "desired-title": "", "desired-locations": {"radius": 25, "location": {"city": "Tallahassee", "state": "FL", "coords": {"lat": 30.3637, "lon": -84.163}, "zipcode": "32311"}}, "years-of-experience": , "years-of-experience-id": }, "lastname": "Maphis", "optin": {"email-optin-accepted": true}, "work-authorization-id": , "current-compensation": {"lower-limit": 90000, "description": "$90k+"}, "subscribe-date": "2008-09-13T00:38:01+0000", "profile-visibility": "Visible to everyone", "address": {"city": "Tallahassee", "state": "FL", "street": "", "coords": {"lat": 30.3637, "lon": -84.163}, "zipcode": "32311"}, "subscription": {"subscription-status": "U", "premium": false, "unsubscribe-reason": ""}, "skills": , "last-profile-update": "2017-09-30T02:02:06+0000", "profile-create-time": "2011-12-10T12:32:38+0000", "jobseeker-id": 3975248, "last-email-open": "2012-06-16T18:28:29+0000", "gender": , "security-clearance-id": },
{"sort": 3136051, "security-clearance": , "experience": {"past-companies": , "past-titles": , "experiences": , "last-company": , "last-title": }, "education": {"schools": , "highest-degree-id": , "highest-category-id": , "highest-degree": , "educations": }, "last-resume-update": , "profile-status": "Approved", "profile-status-id": 5, "professional-summary": "", "mobile-phone": , "email": "rosepa2004@yahoo.com", "last-job-application": , "work-authorization": , "profile-visibility-id": 1, "firstname": "Pa", "job-preferences": {"industries": , "classifications": {"source": "auto", "specialties": {"id": 210, "label": "Philanthropy/Fundraising"}, {"id": 205, "label": "Admin/Office"}, {"id": 144, "label": "Supply Chain/Logistics"}, {"id": 192, "label": "Hospitality"}, {"id": 141, "label": "Project/Process Management"}, {"id": 139, "label": "General Management & Strategy"}, {"id": 193, "label": "Food & Beverage"}, {"id": 191, "label": "Other Specialties"}, {"id": 143, "label": "Quality Control"}, {"id": 142, "label": "Buying & Procurement"}, {"id": 138, "label": "Customer Service"}, {"id": 140, "label": "Plant/Facilities Management"}, {"id": 207, "label": "Management Consulting"}, "version": 0, "roles": {"id": 112, "label": "Other"}, {"id": 105, "label": "Operations/GM"}}, {"source": "auto", "specialties": {"id": 1121, "label": "Customer Service"}, {"id": 1128, "label": "Project & Process Management"}, {"id": 1125, "label": "Management Consulting"}, {"id": 1122, "label": "Executive"}, {"id": 1129, "label": "Quality Control"}, {"id": 1127, "label": "Plant & Facilities Management"}, {"id": 1124, "label": "Hospitality"}, {"id": 1126, "label": "Philanthropy & Fundraising"}, {"id": 1120, "label": "Buying & Procurement"}, {"id": 1119, "label": "Administrative & Office"}, {"id": 1123, "label": "General Management & Strategy"}, {"id": 1130, "label": "Supply Chain & Logistics"}, "version": 1, "roles": {"id": 1103, "label": "Operations & GM"}}, {"source": "auto", "specialties": {"id": 2505, "label": "Process Management"}, {"id": 2504, "label": "Plant & Facilities Management"}, {"id": 2501, "label": "Administrative & Office"}, {"id": 2507, "label": "Supply Chain & Logistics"}, {"id": 2506, "label": "Quality Control"}, {"id": 2502, "label": "Buying & Procurement"}, {"id": 2503, "label": "General & Operations Management"}, "version": 2, "roles": {"id": 2500, "label": "Operations & General Management"}}, {"source": "auto", "specialties": {"id": 3508, "label": "Quality Management"}, {"id": 3507, "label": "Process Management"}, {"id": 3505, "label": "Plant & Facilities Management"}, {"id": 3509, "label": "Supply Chain & Logistics"}, {"id": 3504, "label": "Operations Management"}, {"id": 3501, "label": "Administrative & Office"}, {"id": 3506, "label": "Procurement"}, "version": 3, "roles": {"id": 3500, "label": "Operations & General Management"}}, "desired-title": "Clerical", "desired-locations": {"radius": 0, "location": {"city": "Phoenix", "state": "AZ", "coords": {"lat": 33.4486, "lon": -112.073}, "zipcode": "85002"}}, "years-of-experience": , "years-of-experience-id": }, "lastname": "Lao", "optin": {"email-optin-accepted": true}, "work-authorization-id": , "current-compensation": {"lower-limit": 100000, "description": "$100k+"}, "subscribe-date": "2018-03-22T03:34:17+0000", "profile-visibility": "Visible to everyone", "address": {"city": "Phoenix", "state": "AZ", "street": , "coords": {"lat": 33.4486, "lon": -112.073}, "zipcode": "85002"}, "subscription": {"subscription-status": "A", "premium": false, "unsubscribe-reason": "Not Unsubscribed"}, "skills": , "last-profile-update": "2018-03-22T03:34:17+0000", "profile-create-time": , "jobseeker-id": 1019030012, "last-email-open": , "gender": , "security-clearance-id": },

Here's the breakdown of the data:

1. **Personal Information**:
- Full Name: Sheldon Thomas
- Contact Information: Email and mobile phone number
- Address: City, State, and Zip Code

2. **Work Experience**:
- Past Companies: Names of companies where Sheldon has worked previously
- Past Titles: Titles held at these companies
- Dates of Employment: Start and end dates for each position

3. **Education**:
- Highest Degree: The degree obtained by Sheldon
- Field of Study: Area of specialization
- School: Name of the educational institution attended

4. **Job Preferences**:
- Desired Title: Position Sheldon is seeking
- Desired Location: Preferred geographical location for work
- Years of Experience: Range of years of professional experience

5. **Skills**:
- List of skills possessed by Sheldon relevant to the job market

6. **Current Compensation**:
- Information about Sheldon's current salary or compensation package

7. **Profile Information**:
- Status: Approval status of Sheldon's profile
- Visibility: Level of visibility of the profile to others

8. **Subscription**:
- Status: Current subscription status and any relevant details

9. **Other Information**:
- Job Seeker ID: Unique identifier for Sheldon's job seeker profile