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Limevpn.com Database Leaked - 19k User Records Exposed!

Limevpn.com Database Leaked - 19k User Records Exposed!


Staff member
A new database dump containing information publicly disclosed:

Limevpn.com Database Leaked - 19k User Records Exposed! - In 2021 data breach involving LimeVPN (limevpn.com) came to light.

In June 2021, a data breach involving LimeVPN (limevpn.com) came to light. The breach included the exposure of sensitive user information such as names, email addresses, hashed passwords using MD5 with salt and bcrypt, physical addresses (including 275 records from Russia), phone numbers, IP addresses, and dates related to profile creation and updates. The incident was particularly concerning as it jeopardized the privacy and security of approximately 19.8 thousand individuals who were...

This security incident resulted in the disclosure of...