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LinkedIn.com Database Leaked - 700M User Records Exposed!

LinkedIn.com Database Leaked - 700M User Records Exposed!


Staff member
A new database dump containing information publicly disclosed:

LinkedIn.com Database Leaked - 700M User Records Exposed! - 700 million users has emerged in the public domain, seemingly sourced from LinkedIn.

A vast collection of data pertaining to more than 700 million users has emerged in the public domain, seemingly sourced from LinkedIn. This occurrence follows previous attempts by hackers to sell the same dataset earlier this year, in June. Analysis of the files within this collection has validated the authenticity of the data, revealing several significant data points, including:

Compromised data: LinkedIn profile names, LinkedIn ID, LinkedIn profile URLs, Location information...

This security incident resulted in the disclosure of...
Hi whlx,

.torrent file can't be extracted with erro 0x80071772 due to encryption of the .7z file. It is unaccessible and unusable