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LinkedIn New 50K Professional and Personal Data of Users


Staff member
A new breach on Linkedin involves comprehensive professional and personal data of users.
  • Date of Breach: 2024
  • Affected Platform: LinkedIn
  • Size of the Breach: 50,000 records

Information Leaked:

  • LinkedIn Profile URL: Public LinkedIn profile link (e.g., https://www.linkedin.com/in/anna-bateson-2762638)
  • Connections Count: Number of LinkedIn connections
  • Premium Status: Indicator of whether the user has a LinkedIn Premium account (TRUE/FALSE)
  • Full Name: Full name of the LinkedIn user (e.g., Anna Bateson)
  • First Name (Cleaned): Cleaned first name (e.g., Anna)
  • Last Name (Cleaned): Cleaned last name (e.g., Bateson)
  • Work Email 1: Primary work email address (e.g., anna.bateson@guardian.co.uk)
  • Personal Email: Personal email address (e.g., annabateson@yahoo.co.uk)
  • Work Email 2: Secondary work email address
  • Phone Number: Contact phone number
  • Facebook Username: Facebook username (e.g., anna.bateson.5)
  • Twitter Username: Twitter username (e.g., annabateson)
  • Company Website: Official website of the company
  • Location: Location details (e.g., London, England, United Kingdom)
  • Industry: Industry of employment (e.g., Entertainment Providers)
  • Job Title: Current job title (e.g., Chief Executive Officer)
  • Since: Year when the user started the current position (e.g., 2022)
  • Company: Name of the company (e.g., GUARDIAN MEDIA GROUP PLC)
  • Company LinkedIn: LinkedIn profile link of the company
  • Company Size: Size of the company
  • Company Address: Address of the company


https://www.linkedin.com/in/anna-bateson-2762638,3947,FALSE,Anna Bateson,Anna,Bateson,anna.bateson@guardian.co.uk,annabateson@yahoo.co.uk,,,anna.bateson.5,annabateson,,"London, England, United Kingdom",Entertainment Providers,Chief Executive Officer,2022,GUARDIAN MEDIA GROUP PLC,,,
https://www.linkedin.com/in/annabel-kalmar-b596a17,1327,FALSE,Annabel Kalmar,Annabel,Kalmar,annabel@tearebellion.com,annabel_mulder@hotmail.com,,16473389009,annabel.kalmar,,http://www.tearebellion.com,United Kingdom,Food and Beverage Services,Founder and CEO,2023,Tea Rebellion,https://www.linkedin.com/company/tea-rebellion/,myself only,"| , London UK, Toronto, M4N, Ontario, Canada"
https://www.linkedin.com/in/annabeldunstan,2724,FALSE,Annabel Dunstan (she/her) MPRCA,Annabel,Dunstan Mprca,annabel@questionandretain.co.uk,annabel.dunstan@gmail.com,,447790216441,annabel.dunstan1,Annabel_Dunstan,,"Brighton, England, United Kingdom",Market Research,Founder & CEO,2018,Question and Retain,,,
https://www.linkedin.com/in/annabel-illingworth-809904a,628,FALSE,Annabel Illingworth,Annabel,Illingworth,,annabel.illingworth@gmail.com,,447914671303,annabel.illingworth,,https://www.vocalista.com/,"London, England, United Kingdom",Data Infrastructure and Analytics,Founder & CEO,2020,Vocalista,https://www.linkedin.com/company/vocalista/,2-10,"| , Isle of Skye, , , United Kingdom"
https://www.linkedin.com/in/akayeirenicon,6502,FALSE,Annabel Kaye,Annabel,Kaye,annabel.kaye@irenicon.co.uk,annabelkaye@yahoo.co.uk,,447801846166,annabel.kaye,AnnabelKaye,http://www.irenicon.co.uk,"Devizes, England, United Kingdom",Legal Services,Managing Director,1980,Irenicon Ltd,https://www.linkedin.com/company/irenicon-ltd/,2-10,"Airport House | Purley Way, Croydon, CR0 0XZ, Surrey, United Kingdom"