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Magicduel.com Dehashed Combolists Leaked - 109k User Records Exposed!

Magicduel.com Dehashed Combolists Leaked - 109k User Records Exposed!


Staff member
A new database dump containing information publicly disclosed:

Magicduel.com Dehashed Combolists Leaked - 109k User Records Exposed! - In 2023, MagicDuel RPG (magicduel.com) experienced a data breach due to a straightforward SQL vuln.

In August 2023, MagicDuel RPG (magicduel.com) experienced a data breach due to a straightforward SQL injection vulnerability, leading to the public availability of user data. Over 138,000 individuals were affected by this breach, which included compromised information such as usernames, email addresses, hashed passwords, and IP addresses.

Compromised data: Email addresses, Passwords (Plain-text)

This security incident resulted in the disclosure of...