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Mercedes-Benz Customers and Their Vehicles Full Details (130k)


Staff member
The data of 130,000 Mercedes-Benz customers and their vehicles, including full details, has been leaked.

"MG0000032692","Mr Spargo","Mr","A","Spargo","East Winds","Ball Lane","Caton","Lancaster","Lancashire","LA2 9QN","01524770006"," ","alanspargo1@aol.com","MG0000001008","Mercedes-Benz","CDI Elegance Auto","KN04EKT","U","C","South Lakes Mercedes-Benz","N","N","N","N","2","C","L"
"MG0000000000"," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ","MG0000001009","Mercedes-Benz","C Class","W813LBN","N","C","Bolton Mercedes-Benz"," "," "," "," "," ","C"," "
"MG0000180744","Prior"," ","N","Prior","Eastwick Coach House","Park Street","Camberley","Surrey"," ","GU15 3NU","1276685118","7973436074","tamzinprior@yahoo.co.uk","MG0000001010","Mercedes-Benz","E55amg Saloon","SF54MDU","N","P","Bolton Mercedes-Benz"," "," "," "," "," ","P","C"
"MG0000000000"," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ","MG0000001011","Mercedes-Benz","C180K 3dr Auto Coupe","PJ05RVT","U","C","Bolton Mercedes-Benz"," "," "," "," "," ","C"," "
"MG0000172900"," "," ","M","Laftsidis","Endownment Department","Delaunays Road","Crumpsall","Manchester"," ","M8 5RB"," ","7564365210","makis_laftsidis@yahoo.gr","MG0000001012","Mercedes-Benz","A160 Classic Se","R3BML","N","P","Bolton Mercedes-Benz"," "," "," "," "," ","P","C"
"MG0000175311","The Manager","The","F","Manager","Kitchen Gallery","Century House","100 Stratford Road","Shirley","Solihull, West Midlands","B90 3BH","8709023040","7770740251","PETER@CONNAUGHT-HOUSE.CO.UK","MG0000001013","Mercedes-Benz","CDI Avantgarde Auto","LT54MFF","N","C","Bolton Mercedes-Benz"," "," "," ","Y"," ","C","C"

Mercedes-Benz customers and their vehicles details. Here's a breakdown of the columns:

  • CustNo: Customer number or identifier.
  • salute: Salutation or title of the customer.
  • Title: Title of the customer.
  • Init: Initials of the customer.
  • Surnm: Surname or last name of the customer.
  • Add1: First line of the customer's address.
  • Add2: Second line of the customer's address.
  • Add3: Third line of the customer's address.
  • Add4: Fourth line of the customer's address.
  • Add5: Fifth line of the customer's address.
  • Postcode: Postal code of the customer's address.
  • htel: Home telephone number of the customer.
  • mobile: Mobile phone number of the customer.
  • email: Email address of the customer.
  • vehNo: Vehicle number or identifier.
  • fan: Fan (franchise) associated with the vehicle.
  • DESC: Description of the vehicle.
  • REGNO: Registration number of the vehicle.
  • NU: Not sure about this column, possibly related to the vehicle.
  • vstat: Vehicle status.
  • locn: Location associated with the vehicle.
  • nomail: Indicates whether the customer is opted out of mail communication.
  • htps: Indicates whether the customer is opted out of home telephone communication.
  • mtps: Indicates whether the customer is opted out of mobile communication.
  • emtps: Indicates whether the customer is opted out of email communication.
  • tarcc: Target code.
  • spare: Not sure about this column, possibly a spare or additional field.
  • cstat: Status of the customer.
Each row represents a different customer and their associated vehicle information.