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Mininghamster.com Database Leaked - 9k User Records Exposed!

Mininghamster.com Database Leaked - 9k User Records Exposed!


Staff member
A new database dump containing information publicly disclosed:

Mininghamster.com Database Leaked - 9k User Records Exposed! - MiningHamster Signals, a service that monitors cryptocurrency markets experienced a data breach.

MiningHamster Signals, a service that monitors cryptocurrency markets and provides notifications when there is unusual market activity, experienced a data breach. This breach had an impact on around 9,000 customers. The source of this information is Mininghamster.com, and the data is provided in CSV format. Data breaches like this highlight the importance of maintaining the security and privacy of user information, especially in the cryptocurrency sector.

Compromised data: Telegram id...

This security incident resulted in the disclosure of...