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    Purchases are automated, please only contact @wwhlx if you still haven't received your purchase.

Monde-du-voyage.com 1.4M Passengers Airline Voyage Database - Leaked!


Staff member
Websites Affected:

  • bdv.fr
  • bourse-des-vols.com
  • monde-du-voyage.com
Date of Leak:This data was obtained and shared on January 11th, 2021.

Background:"Book a cheap flight with Flight Exchange. Thousands of destinations in France, Europe, and around the world, all airlines!" - This is the translated description of the impacted websites.

Number of Users Affected:Approximately 1,460,703 unique email addresses were identified.

Data Extraction Method:The data was extracted using the following command: [Specify the command or method used].

Data Content:The exposed data comprises:

  • IP addresses
  • Email addresses
  • Physical addresses
  • Phone numbers
  • Booking records
  • Flight history
  • Purchase logs
  • Dates of birth
  • Payment methods used
  • Partial credit card information (Note: Shared cautiously, as per staff's discretion)
Notably, the data does not include passwords, except for bcrypt hashes related to staff members.

Additional Information:This data breach was originally orchestrated by the user "pompompurin" in 2021 and is exclusively available on RaidForums.
