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Nestle.com Coffee Partners Store Purchase Orders Full Version Leaked


Staff member
Following details from Nestle.com Coffee Partners Store Purchase Orders have been leaked:

  • entity_id: Entity ID
  • status: Status of the order
  • store_id: Store ID where the purchase was made
  • store_name: Name of the store
  • customer_id: Customer ID
  • base_grand_total: Base grand total of the purchase
  • base_total_paid: Base total amount paid
  • grand_total: Grand total of the purchase
  • total_paid: Total amount paid
  • increment_id: Incremental ID for the order
  • base_currency_code: Base currency code
  • order_currency_code: Order currency code
  • shipping_name: Shipping name
  • billing_name: Billing name
  • created_at: Date and time of creation
  • updated_at: Date and time of last update
  • billing_address: Billing address
  • shipping_address: Shipping address
  • shipping_information: Shipping method name
  • customer_email: Customer email address
  • customer_group: Customer group
  • subtotal: Subtotal amount
  • shipping_and_handling: Shipping and handling amount
  • customer_name: Customer name
  • payment_method: Payment method used
  • total_refunded: Total amount refunded
  • refunded_to_store_credit: Amount refunded to store credit
  • signifyd_guarantee_status: Status of Signifyd guarantee disposition
This leak exposes sensitive information about the purchase orders made through Nestle.com Coffee Partners Store.

(26206,'crip',1,'Nestlé Coffee Partners\nNestlé Coffee Partners Store\nNestlé Coffee Partners',57106,133.9300,NULL,133.9300,133.9300,'000026228','USD','USD','Mahesh Karekar','Mahesh Karekar','2020-10-07 18:18:10','2020-10-07 18:18:13','2300 Ramsey St,Fayetteville,North Carolina,28301','2300 Ramsey St,Fayetteville,North Carolina,28301',NULL,'Mahesh.Karekar@nestle.com','15725',113.5000,20.4300,'Mahesh Karekar','purchaseorder',NULL,NULL,NULL)
(20633,'pending',1,'Nestlé Coffee Partners\nNestlé Coffee Partners Store\nNestlé Coffee Partners',1272,51.0800,NULL,51.0800,NULL,'000020655','USD','USD','N Varmaa','N Varmaa','2020-05-14 11:59:42','2020-05-14 11:59:43','701 E Jefferson St,Phoenix,Arizona,85034','701 E Jefferson St,Phoenix,Arizona,85034','Free Shipping - Free','n@varma.me.uk','6',51.0800,0.0000,'N Varmaa','purchaseorder',NULL,NULL,NULL)