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Netherlands Expat Shop Business - NL Customers 75k


Staff member
In a recent data breach, personal expat shopping information of 75k users from the Netherlands was leaked. The exposed data includes the following details for each user:

  • Full Name
  • Street Name
  • Postal Code
  • City
  • Phone Number

Bruil C Dakbedekkingen|Groen van Prinstererstr|6882JK|Velp gld|268484215
Dernegi Fenerbahce Hollanda|Draaierweg|1032KS|Amsterdam|207852111
Idrissi|Heiningen|4623TP|Bergen op Zoom|164785422
Satoor de Rootas-de Jong, L F en O|Van Yrtebelt|8014NR|Zwolle|384608291
Van Soerland, Aug en Evy|Refelingse Erven|5672TD|Nuenen|402835065
GO Resource Company The|Esdoornlaan|4902TN|Oosterhout nb|162374000
Studio|Het Laagt|1025GP|Amsterdam|206373313
Co Concepts & Communication|Sint Martinusstraat|5911CK|Venlo|773521158