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Oasgames.com Dehashed Combolists Leaked - 162k User Records Exposed!

Oasgames.com Dehashed Combolists Leaked - 162k User Records Exposed!


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whlx submitted a new resource:

Oasgames.com Dehashed Combolists Leaked - 162k User Records Exposed! - OASIS GAMES, a major games publisher, fell victim to a data breach.

Around September 2020, OASIS GAMES, a prominent games publisher and entertainment platform, experienced a data breach impacting approximately 471,000 users. The breach, attributed to @donjuji, involved the exposure of email addresses and passwords stored as MD5 hashes with a static salt of "@Legend." The initial attack vector was described as an arbitrary upload.

Compromised data: Email addresses, Passwords (Plain-Text)

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