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Online Broker Customers South Korea Leads (84k) - 2024


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In 2024, a data breach occurred, exposing personal information of 84,000 online broker customers from South Korea. This breach involves sensitive data of individuals who engage in forex trading, including those using Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

Jimin Ha Jimin93 jmin_0508@yahoo.co.kr 1993-05-08 Pusan South Korea
Kim mildchris aroha1987@yahoo.co.kr 1987-03-17 SÅul South Korea
katie GeumYeon trygy0416@yahoo.co.kr 1991-04-16 Chinju South Korea
Grace Park letsgoout heyheregrace@yahoo.co.kr 1987-11-11 Kwangju South Korea
Jungmin nanjoga jungmincho@lycos.co.kr 1982-03-22 Kwangju South Korea
Kim Sung mi smstar smstar23@yahoo.co.kr 1983-02-03 TaejÅn South Korea
younghye Yeounghye mainnumber0@yahoo.co.kr 1986-02-10 SÅul South Korea
se jung Lee gaki5351 moonriver@yahoo.co.kr 1989-02-23 SuwÅn South Korea