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Online Casino 109k User Details (including Balance & Net Deposit)


Staff member
In an incident affecting Online Casino, a total of 109k user details were leaked. This online casino platform, known for its variety of iGaming titles, experienced a breach that exposed user information including balance, country, currency, email, name, net deposit, and phone numbers.

165.15 Austria EUR alf1978@gmx.at Roman Wagersreiter 1000 (43) 699-18384180
0 Slovakia USD sokolovakl@centrum.sk Klaudia Sokolova 0 (421) 903-137562
200 Germany EUR mail@ninafranz.de Nina Franz 200 (49) 171-2039015
0 Austria EUR hermann.rohregger@gmx.at Hermann Rohregger 0 (43) 676-3486511
0 Denmark EUR jonasfpedersen@gmail.com jonas pedersen 0 (452) 45-42726063
0 Malaysia USD bngmis@gmail.com mohd isa bin sahirun 0 (6) 16-3411107
0 India USD prashantdesai619@yahoo.in Prashant Desai 0 (91) 82-8277464049
0 United Kingdom GBP dcridley@btinternet.com dave Ridley 0 (44) 789-6202644
0 Morocco EUR youssefmans789@hotmail.fr youssef elmansouri 0 2.13E+11
0 Germany EUR af@partyservice-forster.de Anton Forster 0 (49) 171-7706577
0 Thailand USD atitpat_21@hotmail.com Atitpat Tansuwan 0 (66) 90-4692470
0 Belgium GBP jetrospective@live.com Joseph Ongemba Lumbe 0 (32) 48-4117084
0 United States USD sdc83me@cox.net sid clarke 0 (1) 401-4269694
0 Nigeria USD abbidom@gmail.com Dominic Odimkpa 0 (234) 80-33094483
0 Pakistan GBP asikhan470@yahoo.com asibaba09 khan 0 (92) 962-2876
0 Russia USD gagarina-21.misharin@yandex.ru ??????? ??????? 0 (7) 912-9543892
206.75 Brazil USD andersonmstatzner@terra.com.br Anderson Statzner 400 (55) 24-552498416311
0 Germany EUR alexpp13@hotmail.de Alessandro Platini 0 (49) 228-36033231
4867.06 Switzerland GBP silberstern1000@gmail.com Ruth Keller 3000 (41) 31-3325603