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Patari.pk Database Leaked - 273k User Records Exposed!

Patari.pk Database Leaked - 273k User Records Exposed!


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whlx submitted a new resource:

Patari.pk Database Leaked - 273k User Records Exposed! - In 2021, Patari.pk, a Pakistani music streaming had its backup database exposed.

In June 2021, Patari.pk, a prominent Pakistani music streaming service, was found to have exposed its backup database, containing approximately 273,425 rows of data. This breach included sensitive information such as usernames, emails, and unsalted MD5 password hashes. Despite efforts by a friend to contact Patari and reporters for over a month, the issue remained unresolved, leaving the data vulnerable.

Compromised data: Username, Emails, Password Hashes (unsalted md5), etc.


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