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Peer-to-peer Bitcoin Marketplace in the USA (xcoins.io) - 55k


Staff member
The data breach involving xcoins.io, a peer-to-peer Bitcoin marketplace in the USA, resulted in the exposure of sensitive user information from its 2021 database. The leaked data includes personal details such as email addresses and potentially other identifying information of around 55k users.


Key Data Fields:​

  • Type ('U'): Indicates user type.
  • ID: Unique identifier for each user.
  • Name: Full name of the user.
  • Contact Information: Email addresses and phone numbers.

Example Data Entries:​

(1, 0, 2, 1, 0, 'helpdesk@xcoins.io', 'xCoins.io Support', 'helpdesk@xcoins.io', '$2$JDEkyYlJRwcA+dsHSLLmKVM6qPChxDxQIlFkvW/wZMgoY0U=', 1, 'xcoins.io', 'POP', 'NONE', 110, 5, 30, '', 1, 0, '2019-07-15 16:54:16', '2020-08-10 19:50:15', 1, 'xcoins.io', 25, 1, 0, 0, '', '2016-09-14 07:25:10', '2016-12-21 23:11:20')
,(2, 0, 2, 1, 0, 'alerts@xcoins.io', 'osTicket Alerts', 'alerts@xcoins.io', '$2$JDEkglHVYmhXwWyFq3HRljlBkpRRSwueVP5InKIMfeNULFY=', 1, 'xcoins.io', 'IMAP', 'NONE', 143, 5, 30, '', 1, 0, '2019-07-15 16:54:17', '2020-08-10 19:50:15', 1, 'xcoins.io', 25, 1, 0, 0, '', '2016-09-14 07:25:10', '2016-12-21 23:14:33')
,(3, 0, 2, 1, 0, 'noreply@xcoins.io', '', '', '', 0, '', 'POP', 'NONE', '', 5, 30, '', 0, 0, '', '', 0, '', '', 1, 1, 0, '', '2016-09-14 07:25:10', '2016-09-14 07:25:10');

,('U', 25372, 'Nickel Corneal', ' amperagett@gmail.com\namperagett@gmail.com')
,('U', 25373, 'Sheridan Thompson', ' sathompson16@yahoo.com\nsathompson16@yahoo.com')
,('U', 25374, 'Joshua Kwentoh', ' brightideapublishing@gmail.com\nbrightideapublishing@gmail.com')
,('U', 25375, 'Oyenihi emmanuel', ' oyenihi@gmail.com\noyenihi@gmail.com')
,('U', 25376, 'Johnny Jusino', ' Jjusino135@aol.com\nJjusino135@aol.com')

,('U', 21797, 'Robert Schmedeke', 'Robert.schmedeke@verizon.net\n(720) 519-6422')
,('U', 21798, 'Fatima Elqomri', 'waffleawful1000@gmail.com\n(201) 406-7486')
,('U', 21799, 'Dom', 'Dom7smith@gmail.com \n(702) 823-8078')
,('U', 21800, 'Lamont shields', 'gggrimlon@gmail.com\n(317) 932-6410')
,('U', 21801, 'Maria Lenin Laus', 'lencl02@outlook.com\n09154487368')
,('U', 21802, 'Dan Michael', 'danmichaelbhndibucoy@gmail.com\n09150543310')

    ,('H', 260658, '', 'Hey I thought you were gonna verify my account?!?! On Tue, Dec 3, 2019, 9:14 AM robert kill robert.kill402@gmail.com> wrote: Ok I fixed the issues On Tue, Dec 3, 2019, 9:00 AM xCoins.io Support helpdesk@xcoins.io> wrote:')

    ,('H', 260668, '', 'That\'s exactly why I contacted you, my profit is $400 right now and it\'s 60%, this guy scammed me $700 because I didn\'t receive any money from this offer and you send the money to him immediately. So I want you to contact him so he can confirm to paypal he received the money or you to refund me On Tue, 3 Dec 2019 at 18:07, xCoins.io Support helpdesk@xcoins.io> wrote:')

    ,('H', 260673, '', 'This response seems auto generated. Well Ive only taken a picture of me and my ID like 3 times, I lost my wallet last week and waiting for new one. I know my number has changed a few times lately but I\'m pretty sure I\'ve validated myself as being Tatiana Newell. On Tue, Dec 3, 2019, 7:05 AM xCoins.io Support helpdesk@xcoins.io> wrote:')