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PeopleDatalabs.com (PDL) Parsed & Cleaned - 416M User Records Exposed!

PeopleDatalabs.com (PDL) Parsed & Cleaned - 416M User Records Exposed!


Staff member
A new database dump containing information publicly disclosed:

PeopleDatalabs.com (PDL) Parsed & Cleaned - 416M User Records Exposed! - Data enrichment file from PDL (peopledatalabs.com) was leaked.

In 2019, a data enrichment file from PDL (peopledatalabs.com) was reportedly leaked by Vinny Troia after being discovered on an unprotected ElasticSearch server. The file comprises email addresses, locations, full names, and linkedin profiles, including job details of individuals. The server in question was not owned by PDL, and it is believed that a customer failed to adequately secure the database.

Compromised data:

This security incident resulted in the disclosure of...