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Roll20.net | Tabletop Role-playing Games Website | 4 Million Members


Staff member
[Image: roll20.png]

In December 2018, the tabletop role-playing games website Roll20 suffered a data breach. Almost 4 million customers were impacted by the breach and had email and IP addresses, names, bcrypt hashes of passwords and the last 4 digits of credit cards exposed.

Compromised data: Email addresses, IP addresses, Names, Partial credit card data, Passwords

CREATE TABLE public.accounts (
id integer NOT NULL,
name character varying(50),
surname character varying(50),
email character varying(50),
crypted_password character varying(100),
role character varying(50),
show_tips boolean DEFAULT true,
default_websearch_safe boolean DEFAULT true,
quota integer DEFAULT 100,
quota_devices integer DEFAULT 2,
nickname character varying(250),
created integer DEFAULT 0,
stripe_id character varying(250),
stripe_test_id character varying(250),
confirm_code character varying(250),
password_code character varying(250),
nagged_unconfirmed boolean DEFAULT false,
nagged_personalwelcome boolean DEFAULT false,
nagged_ipadediting boolean DEFAULT false,
hidden_tutorials text,
gplusid character varying(100),
lastseen integer DEFAULT 0,
totalplayed integer DEFAULT 0,
cc_last4 character varying(4),
can_upload_marketplace boolean DEFAULT false,
avatar character varying(250) DEFAULT ''::character varying,
language character varying(6) DEFAULT 'en'::character varying,
forum_all_viewed integer DEFAULT 0,
email_notifications integer DEFAULT 1,
curquota integer DEFAULT 0,
agreecoc boolean DEFAULT false,
banneduntil integer DEFAULT 0,
disabled boolean DEFAULT false,
bio text DEFAULT ''::text,
plays character varying(500) DEFAULT ''::character varying,
wantstoplay character varying(500) DEFAULT ''::character varying,
lfg boolean DEFAULT false,
achievements text DEFAULT ''::text,
playedwith text DEFAULT ''::text,
lastip character varying(100),
lastfbping integer DEFAULT 0,
lastfbnum integer DEFAULT 100,
lastfbcamp character varying(100),
consecutive_start integer DEFAULT 0,
totalrolled integer DEFAULT 0,
wtp_lastupdated integer DEFAULT 0,
optout boolean DEFAULT false,
captcha_passed boolean DEFAULT false,
prev_names text DEFAULT ''::text,
lastseengame integer DEFAULT 0,
paypal_agreement_id character varying(250),
translator character varying(100) DEFAULT ''::character varying,
tags character varying(500) DEFAULT ''::character varying,
lastsession character varying(100),
last_notification integer

ALTER TABLE public.accounts OWNER TO postgres;

-- Data for Name: accounts; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

COPY public.accounts (id, name, surname, email, crypted_password, role, show_tips, default_websearch_safe, quota, quota_devices, nickname, created, stripe_id, stripe_test_id, confirm_code, password_code, nagged_unconfirmed, nagged_personalwelcome, nagged_ipadediting, hidden_tutorials, gplusid, lastseen, totalplayed, cc_last4, can_upload_marketplace, avatar, language, forum_all_viewed, email_notifications, curquota, agreecoc, banneduntil, disabled, bio, plays, wantstoplay, lfg, achievements, playedwith, lastip, lastfbping, lastfbnum, lastfbcamp, consecutive_start, totalrolled, wtp_lastupdated, optout, captcha_passed, prev_names, lastseengame, paypal_agreement_id, translator, tags, lastsession, last_notification) FROM stdin;
3940998 ПОЛУЧИТЕ ДЕНЬГИ http://obzor.adr.com.ua ПОЛУЧИТЕ ДЕНЬГИ http://obzor.adr.com.ua andrey.ka59@gmail.com $2a$10$zZZ9qX1M78Bazj8FfYwWAOT/WAluWcsyH58hYF1cP06/D.vOmYDHK subscriber t t 100 2 \N 1543549203 \N \N \N \N f f f \N \N 0 0 \N f en 0 1 0 f 0 f f 0 100 \N 0 0 0 f f 0 \N \N \N
3858755 Jontel Mendoza pinky.monroe98@gmail.com $2a$10$sDPcYnq1/vRVyMJDbMh6S.pJ120jTrG3uIyYssLFeFl.e0/AaDVei subscriber t t 100 2 \N 1541725479 \N \N \N \N f f f \N \N 1541725711 0 \N f en 0 1 0 f 0 f f 0 100 \N 1541725711 0 0 f f 0 \N 1c9da0400563254e3a8fafbf29b0e857d7204cb8445e174e0211f8ac118b1786 \N
2338108 Math 1501 guizmo@14.fr $2a$10$FdH/aMKUQQCmA2d/u6Y1buBpgBmajA168WEnyT5inSo8BfeECEwEW subscriber t t 100 2 Math 1. 1497291593 \N \N \N \N f f f quick-change-value \N 1544110690 50985 \N f https://s3.amazonaws.com/files.d20....CIR6ZklNM-_xssqpXg/original.jpg?1540832721520 fr 0 1 0 f 0 f f seemerollin,played_10h,playedwith_5,iknowyoureoutthere,playedwith_10,rolled_100,neverending,playedwith_25,played_50h,rolled_1000,played_100h,bemyneighbor,played_250h,rolled_5000 2288484,2288487,1777371,2344484,1433410,2613697,2560964,2281906,2678316,1834787,2672871,1047654,903276,2707989,2714061,2673727,2732187,2288486,2678534,2298125,2668990,2694740,2201265,2290998,1377893,1586802,2586737,2597569 202 20 2605159 1544110662 7878 0 f f Math 1.| 1544924077 \N 7a23130bda029b35b6bf710db587cc7e8bc0ba1ece883883f9896ca003762c5d \N
3879274 Luis Guevara hornes.luis@gmail.com $2a$10$w9R7DraDvR72yO81iv.sdel6chKbFdpoH2hpd1UbjLJ5qENeURK7. subscriber t t 100 2 \N 1542425200 \N \N \N \N f f f \N \N 0 50 \N f en 0 1 0 t 0 f f 2800:200:e840:c70:3da4:78ab:bf4:c5fe 122 100 \N 0 0 0 f f 1542428257 \N \N \N
4005781 res er 35thsk3rt@gmail.com $2a$10$.saYXcEx0QK2zB4GFtifDOX60utdjS6vm.cpekrKVbX98vHHgAPsa subscriber t t 100 2 \N 1545715281 \N \N \N \N f f f \N \N 0 0 \N f en 0 1 0 f 0 f f 0 100 \N 0 0 0 f f 0 \N \N \N
2148816 John Louis Swaine jlswaine@me.com $2a$10$12M3lC9e/iSp/b.Q5TvBmO.vfsu82kLnJPLeY8RS5gKsJGJUhIyOC subscriber t t 100 2 John Louis S. 1489937773 cus_AJm4pfYKgocB9S \N \N 1493488880-ad32169c73dc7f2bdf9d2b37f7d91206 f f f startvideo \N 1542091882 35515 5091 f en 0 1 0 f 0 f f artpatron,played_10h,played_50h,played_100h,rolled_100,gmfor_1,played_250h,scriptrunner,neverending 2172388,2149805,2235496,2275227,1814741 64 17 2101356 1542091765 814 0 f f John Louis S. 1542091886 \N 16f00cd797f224499d553815f1a29293569cbc302a838e694608dd6f56060402 \N
3917582 Erling Hök erlinghoken@gmail.com $2a$10$Y3il8icpqE.IULWQ7Wcx1Ov26Eguml9.Lc1VSIgwovhWG6PYWn6ja subscriber t t 100 2 \N 1542702496 \N \N \N \N f f f startvideo \N 1542702555 10 \N f en 0 1 0 f 0 f f 3917566,3917572 439 8 3950787 1542702555 0 0 f f 1542703162 \N \N \N
3577852 Greg Gorospe Goro99@gmail.com $2a$10$1gPVc4GGCL4Lr9odqlCRc.IBwjUG8i2xDrOdf2Jg8RlRHkRihHoIq subscriber t t 100 2 \N 1532269067 \N \N \N \N f f f startvideo \N 1544059048 1650 \N f en 0 1 0 f 0 f f playedwith_5,played_10h,rolled_100 431928,3573520,271821,3579106,3569519,3580057,3581688,3775971 44 9 3486302 1544059034 107 0 f f 1544066851 \N 19e876f465d6d4efdecf913b55134684515f6807907415c5a7bfa572baaae0ed \N
2973410 Dawid Konobrocki ranciasty@gmail.com $2a$10$j16NDRLsmLBzL5s5mQn3TOo.RqYOE9HbwQNVK4drEA8vdXqL4dNCG subscriber t t 100 2 \N 1516201622 \N \N \N \N f f f startvideo \N 1542100899 235 \N f en 0 1 0 f 0 f f 1614866,2979212,2979825,3218351 2003:c1:3f3f:4f57:e50d:85ff:e0ad:afb7 145 20 2943414 1542100899 41 0 f f 1542106034 \N 11a8aec9d330c76eb85738b6b994177b61d90ace892c5f5a95a25d1ed9ba7128 \N
4006145 최 한솔 chs55233@naver.com $2a$10$OxTlh.kgWg8xyul2HvzAH.NLYysbh38vRmRrUUZMt4qZGhFudX9lC subscriber t t 100 2 \N 1545751436 \N \N \N \N f f f \N \N 1545754409 185 \N f en 0 1 0 f 0 f f 3994576,4006144 181 3 4067291 1545754409 62 0 f f 1545765513 \N \N \N
3877087 Steve Mendez stevemendez83@gmail.com $2a$10$y5BZwTWEwlntRYLUc25vMOYgAzhl75Y6bvY3jFpnjqnWoJaMcZLDS subscriber t t 100 2 \N 1542345754 \N \N \N \N f f f startvideo \N 1542346091 100 \N f en 0 1 0 f 0 f f playedwith_5 3845966,3851184,1526705,3875539,3876936,3877085 2605:ad80:10:4b4a:9de0:15ae:267b:f5db 64 15 3898491 1542346091 5 0 f f 1542352313 \N \N \N
3969539 Nero Cupido rafael-acurcio@hotmail.com $2a$10$FVVv5tC9fi1gMp67RLMlWOBRNbLsI7ZdJE3Mcdieta/F6EVC0523W subscriber t t 100 2 \N 1544374340 \N \N \N \N f f f \N \N 1545592428 745 \N f en 0 1 0 f 0 f f playedwith_5,played_10h 484423,3957531,3639594,3967465,3969528,2472696,3986256 2804:14d:5c75:965e:ad6d:2109:da23:c34a 242 5 3997305 1545583645 7 0 f f 1545596956 \N d9f56b3be16bd89528576cf9f80399ca6928ea2e44cb2b79f6097eaf688cce74 \N
3880137 ДЕНЬГИ ТУТ http://max-link.click/1468/ ДЕНЬГИ ТУТ http://max-link.click/1468/ oksamila@gmail.com $2a$10$Sptu9EwGnXHYTHex9T2xpeNlMyAFC08gR9tKQAEnnE.r6ZHSyDYe2 subscriber t t 100 2 \N 1542444931 \N \N \N \N f f f \N \N 0 0 \N f en 0 1 0 f 0 f f 0 100 \N 0 0 0 f f 0 \N \N \N
3992995 지영 최 cjyas1220@naver.com $2a$10$1NosmZCbUhoORhlEnF2GxOdoGSl8YU7ijfJAimuwx.iwR3IzR7NtK subscriber t t 100 2 \N 1545220308 \N \N \N \N f f f \N \N 0 0 \N f en 0 1 0 f 0 f f 0 100 \N 0 0 0 f f 0 \N \N \N