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Ru.bidspirit.com Database Leaked - 15k User Records Exposed!

Ru.bidspirit.com Database Leaked - 15k User Records Exposed!


Staff member
A new database dump containing information publicly disclosed:

Ru.bidspirit.com Database Leaked - 15k User Records Exposed! - Data breach involving customer user data from ru.bidspirit.com in June 2023.

This data breach, occurring in June 2023, pertains to customer users of ru.bidspirit.com, the largest auction house with an international reputation. This platform specializes in facilitating the purchase and sale of antiques, making it a significant market leader in its domain. The breach has affected users from both the Russian Federation and several other countries, primarily Israel and the United States, with additional users hailing from countries such as Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania...

This security incident resulted in the disclosure of...