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Russian Educational Portal For Children (uchi.ru) Database - Leaked, Download!


Staff member
The educational portal for children, Uchi.ru, experienced a data breach in 2022-2023, resulting in the exposure of 38,422 records containing phone numbers, emails, and names. While there is no publicly available information about the breach, it is known that the leak occurred in 2022.

Field values: Phone, Mail, Name

Uchi.ru is a popular educational platform for children, and despite limited information being publicly accessible, it is crucial for users to be aware of potential security risks.

"fullname": "Михайловна Татьяна Горбатова",
"phone": "+79031609666",
"email": "gorbatova@1454.ru"
"fullname": "Заурбековна Луиза Черкесова",
"phone": "+79287134415",
"email": "luizacerkesova1@gmail.com"
"fullname": "Вадимович Сандан Дамбиев",
"phone": "+79248088265",
"email": "dambievsandan2002@gmail.com"
"fullname": "Владимировна Елена Кочева",
"phone": "+79502072606",
"email": "gleper@bk.ru"
"fullname": "Сергеевна Юлия Ткаченко",
"phone": "+79219370011",
"email": "jtkachenko@mail.ru"
"fullname": "Владимировна Ирина Мишукова",
"phone": "+79500716713",
"email": "cheremxovo1962@yandex.ru"
"fullname": "Антонович Дмитрий Гаммершмидт",
"phone": "3914221598",
"email": "dhammer73@mail.ru"
"fullname": "Игоревна Аделаида Бушеева",
"phone": "+79172802090",
"email": "adelaida-05@mail.ru"
"fullname": "Тимофеевна Людмила Ефимова",