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School.mos.ru Database Leaked - 17M User Records Exposed!

School.mos.ru Database Leaked - 17M User Records Exposed!


Staff member
A new database dump containing information publicly disclosed:

School.mos.ru Database Leaked - 17M User Records Exposed! - Russian school.mos.ru database, comprising 17 million lines, has been made publicly available.

The school.mos.ru database, comprising 7 GB and 17 million lines, has been made publicly available, indicating a significant data breach. The exposed information includes full names, phone numbers, email addresses, SNILS (a Russian identification number), and school numbers. Notably, this database encompasses data related to teachers, students, and parents of students, underscoring the critical need for data security measures in educational institutions.
Compromised data: Full Names, Phone...

This security incident resulted in the disclosure of...