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Sephora.com New Founds Private (Dehash) 33k Lines


Staff member
Approximately in January 2017, the network of perfume and cosmetics stores "Sephora" (www.sephora.com) experienced a data breach. The incident primarily affected customers from Southeast Asia, Australia, and New Zealand. As a result of the breach, 780,073 unique email addresses, along with approximately the same number of user accounts, were exposed to the public. Alongside email addresses, the breach also exposed names, dates of birth, ethnicities, and other personal information.

"Sephora" suffered a data breach around January 2017, affecting primarily customers from Southeast Asia, Australia, and New Zealand. The incident led to the exposure of 780,073 unique email addresses and a corresponding number of user accounts, along with various personal details such as names, dates of birth, and ethnicities.