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Smogon.com Database Leaked - 386k User Records Exposed!

Smogon.com Database Leaked - 386k User Records Exposed!


Staff member
A new database dump containing information publicly disclosed:

Smogon.com Database Leaked - 386k User Records Exposed! - Smogon, a Pokémon website, publicly disclosed that they had suffered a data breach.

In April 2018, Smogon, a Pokémon website, publicly disclosed that they had suffered a data breach. This breach had actually occurred back in September 2017 and primarily impacted their XenForo-based forum. The compromised data included user information such as usernames, email addresses, genders, and password hashes stored using bcrypt and MD5 encryption methods.
  • Compromised accounts: 386,489
  • Breach date: 10 September 2017

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