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Snapchat.com Database Leaked - 4.6M User Records Exposed!

Snapchat.com Database Leaked - 4.6M User Records Exposed!


Staff member
A new database dump containing information publicly disclosed:

Snapchat.com Database Leaked - 4.6M User Records Exposed! - In January 2014, Snapchat experienced a significant data breach exposure of 4.6 million users.

In January 2014, Snapchat experienced a significant data breach that resulted in the exposure of 4.6 million usernames and phone numbers. The breach occurred just one week after security researchers from Gibson Security had outlined vulnerabilities in the service. The attack was executed using brute force enumeration of a large number of phone numbers against Snapchat's API, which came as a response to Snapchat's claim that such an attack was only theoretical. As a result of this breach...

This security incident resulted in the disclosure of...