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Spb.dom.ru Database Leaked - 3.5M User Records Exposed!

Spb.dom.ru Database Leaked - 3.5M User Records Exposed!


Staff member
A new database dump containing information publicly disclosed:

Spb.dom.ru Database Leaked - 3.5M User Records Exposed! - In 2021, a substantial data breach occurred on Russian Internet service (spb.dom.ru)

It has come to our attention that on November 9, 2021, a substantial data breach occurred, impacting a Russian Internet service provider operating in St. Petersburg known as spb.dom.ru. This incident has raised serious concerns about data privacy and security practices, underscoring the importance of safeguarding sensitive information in an era where digital threats are pervasive.
Key details about this breach are as follows:
  • Website: spb.dom.ru
  • Country: Russia...

This security incident resulted in the disclosure of...