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Switzerland Companies Fresh Pull Data - 421k


Staff member
Data containing information about various companies or businesses in Dübendorf, along with their contact details and category.

  1. NAME: Name of the company or business.
  2. ADRESS: Address of the company or business.
  3. PHONE: Phone number of the company or business.
  4. SITE: Website URL of the company or business.
  5. ZIP: ZIP code of the company or business location.
  6. LAT: Latitude coordinates of the company or business location.
  7. LONG: Longitude coordinates of the company or business location.
  8. SITI: Location or city where the company or business is situated (Dübendorf in this case).
  9. CATEGORY: Category or type of services provided by the company or business.
Here's a breakdown of the provided data:

  1. ST Haustechnik AG:
    • Address: AUENSTRASSE 10
    • Phone: 044 201 32 32
    • Website: http://www.htzh.ch/
    • ZIP: 8600
    • Location: Dübendorf
    • Category: Dienstleistungen, Sonstige
  2. RexHaustechnik GmbH:
    • Address: NEUGUTSTRASSE 53
    • Phone: 043 543 14 17
    • Website: http://www.rexhaustechnik.ch
    • ZIP: 8600
    • Location: Dübendorf
    • Category: Dienstleistungen, Sonstige
    • Address: Auenstrasse 10
    • Phone: 044 865 00 00
    • Website: Not provided
    • ZIP: 8600
    • Location: Dübendorf
    • Category: Dienstleistungen, Sonstige

"NAME";"ADRESS";"PHONE";"SITE";"ZIP";"LAT";"LONG";"SITI";"CATEGORY"ST Haustechnik AG";"AUENSTRASSE 10";"044 201 32 32";"http://www.htzh.ch/";"8600";"47.395520";"8.598751";"Dübendorf";"Dienstleistungen, Sonstige""RexHaustechnik GmbH";"NEUGUTSTRASSE 53";"043 543 14 17";"http://www.rexhaustechnik.ch";"8600";"47.399595";"8.608769";"Dübendorf";"Dienstleistungen, Sonstige""SANITERM GmbH";"Auenstrasse 10";"044 865 00 00";"";"8600";"47.395610";"8.598879";"Dübendorf";"Dienstleistungen, Sonstige""ITEN Haustechnik";"Marktgasse 19";"044/8211754";"http://www.itenht.ch";"8600";"47.398120";"8.617507";"Dübendorf";"Dienstleistungen, Sonstige""Probst Boilerservice GmbH";"STETTBACHSTRASSE 6";"034/4613703";"";"8600";"47.395428";"8.601789";"Dübendorf";"Dienstleistungen, Sonstige""Ts Isolier-Service GmbH";"Riedweg 18";"044 821 66 72";"http://www.isolier-service.ch";"8600";"47.403212";"8.622761";"Dübendorf";"Dienstleistungen, Sonstige"
