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Ticketcounter.nl Database Leaked - 1.9M User Records Exposed!

Ticketcounter.nl Database Leaked - 1.9M User Records Exposed!


Staff member
A new database dump containing information publicly disclosed:

Ticketcounter.nl Database Leaked - 1.9M User Records Exposed! - Ticketcounter had inadvertently exposed a database backup to a publicly accessible location.

In February 2021, it was discovered that the Dutch ticketing service Ticketcounter had inadvertently exposed a database backup to a publicly accessible location, which was subsequently downloaded. This breach impacted approximately 1,921,722 individuals. The exposed data contained 1.9 million unique email addresses, and in some instances, this information was combined with names, physical and IP addresses, genders, dates of birth, payment histories, and bank account numbers. This data was...

This security incident resulted in the disclosure of...