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Ticketfly.com Database Leaked - 6.1M User Records Exposed!

Ticketfly.com Database Leaked - 6.1M User Records Exposed!


Staff member
A new database dump containing information publicly disclosed:

Ticketfly.com Database Leaked - 6.1M User Records Exposed! - Ticketfly, a ticket distribution service, suffered a data breach.

In May 2018, Ticketfly, a ticket distribution service, suffered a data breach in which their website was defaced by an attacker and subsequently taken offline. The attacker had allegedly demanded a ransom in exchange for details of the vulnerability but received no response from Ticketfly. Consequently, the attacker posted the breached data online, making it publicly accessible. The data breach exposed over 26 million unique email addresses, accompanied by individuals' names, physical...

This security incident resulted in the disclosure of...