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Tokensoft.io Database Leaked - 4.4k User Records Exposed!

Tokensoft.io Database Leaked - 4.4k User Records Exposed!


Staff member
A new database dump containing information publicly disclosed:

Tokensoft.io Database Leaked - 4.4k User Records Exposed! - Tokensoft, a crypto platform, intentionally doxed 4.4k users on their platform.

In November 2022, Tokensoft, a crypto platform, intentionally doxed 4.4k users on their platform, citing them as "bad actors." This action resulted in the exposure of sensitive user data, including email addresses, IP addresses, cryptocurrency addresses, full names, locations, and usernames. Doxing, or the act of publicly revealing private or personal information about individuals without their consent, is a serious breach of privacy and can have significant repercussions for those affected...

This security incident resulted in the disclosure of...