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TridentCryptoFund.com Dehashed Combolists Leaked - 182k User Records Exposed!

TridentCryptoFund.com Dehashed Combolists Leaked - 182k User Records Exposed!


Staff member
A new database dump containing information publicly disclosed:

TridentCryptoFund.com Dehashed Combolists Leaked - 182k User Records Exposed! - Data from TridentCryptoFund.com, a cryptocurrency investment platform impacted 182k users.

Data from TridentCryptoFund.com, a cryptocurrency investment platform with an investment strategy based on well-researched index strategies, was exposed in a data breach that occurred in 2020. The public availability of this data highlights the significant data breach that impacted 182,000 user records, emphasizing the importance of robust data security measures.

Compromised data: Email addresses, Passwords (Plain-text)

This security incident resulted in the disclosure of...