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Truefire.com Database Leaked - 600k User Records Exposed!

Truefire.com Database Leaked - 600k User Records Exposed!


Staff member
A new database dump containing information publicly disclosed:

Truefire.com Database Leaked - 600k User Records Exposed! - In February 2020, the guitar tuition website TrueFire experienced a data breach

In February 2020, the guitar tuition website TrueFire experienced a data breach that affected approximately 600,000 of its members. This incident resulted in the exposure of a substantial amount of personal information, including names, email and physical addresses, account balances, and unsalted MD5 password hashes. The breach data was made publicly available and subsequently obtained by HIBP from dehashed.com.
This event emphasizes the importance of implementing strong cybersecurity...

This security incident resulted in the disclosure of...