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[UPDATE] Exclusive - USA Cellphone Database 183 Million Records

[UPDATE] Exclusive - USA Cellphone Database 183 Million Records


Staff member
A new database dump containing information publicly disclosed:

[UPDATE] Exclusive - USA Cellphone Database 183 Million Records - 183 million records containing full names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses.

  • Date of Breach: Most Recent
  • Affected Data: 183 million records
  • Source: USA Cellphone Database
Information Leaked:

  1. Sample Data Fields:
    • Full Name: John Doe
    • Address: 123 Main St
    • City: Anytown
    • State: NY
    • Zip: 12345
    • Cellphone: 555-123-4567
    • Email: johndoe@example.com
    • Phone Carrier: Verizon
    • Gender: Male

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