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USA Customer Relationship Management (CRM) - 33k Cleaned Version


Staff member
A cleaned version of a USA Customer Relationship Management (CRM) dataset containing information on 33,000 individuals has been obtained. This data is typically stored in CRM systems to facilitate the management of interactions and relationships with customers or clients.

Each entry includes information such as a unique ID, name, email address, phone number, gender, age range, and status (presumably indicating whether the individual is active or not). Here's a breakdown of the columns:

  1. ID: A unique identifier for each individual.
  2. Full Name: The full name of the person, sometimes split into first name and last name.
  3. Email: The email address of the individual.
  4. Phone: The phone number of the individual.
  5. Gender: The gender of the individual (e.g., "m" for male, "f" for female).
  6. Age Range: An age range indicating the age group of the individual.
  7. Status: Indicates whether the individual is active or not.


123,Georges Lucie France,Georges,France,georgesl.france@gmail.com,+1 41797201584,m,41,50,active,
135,Lillian Salazar,Lillian,Salazar,sal953@aol.com,+1 5163256711,NULL,0,100,active,
143,Gustavo Serpa,Gustavo,Serpa,gserpa@gmail.com,+1 2126885075,NULL,31,40,active,
147,Lilian Erendira Arroyo,Lilian,Arroyo,jorgehdezg11@gmail.com,+52 7771899667,NULL,0,100,active,
154,Scott Wiss,Scott,Wiss,scottweiss43@gmail.com,+1 6507437492,NULL,0,100,active,
196,Alison Russell,Alison,Russell,alikrussell27@gmail.com,+1 8172530358,f,31,40,active,