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VivaAir.com Database Leaked - 932k User Records Exposed!

VivaAir.com Database Leaked - 932k User Records Exposed!


Staff member
A new database dump containing information publicly disclosed:

VivaAir.com Database Leaked - 932k User Records Exposed! - In March 2022 Colombian airline Viva Air experienced a data breach.

In March 2022, the now defunct Colombian airline Viva Air experienced a data breach followed by a ransomware attack. As part of this breach, a substantial amount of data was compromised, including a transaction log containing 2.6 million entries. Within this log, there were 932,232 unique email addresses, as well as individuals' physical and IP addresses, names, phone numbers, and partial credit card data (specifically, the last 4 digits). This breach raised significant concerns about the...

This security incident resulted in the disclosure of...