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Weibo.com Database Leaked - 63.2M User Records Exposed!

Weibo.com Database Leaked - 63.2M User Records Exposed!


Staff member
A new database dump containing information publicly disclosed:

Weibo.com Database Leaked - 63.2M User Records Exposed! - Chinese microblogging website Sina Weibo (us.weibo.com) suffered a data scrape.

Today, I have the responsibility of making publicly available a portion of the Weibo User Database. This database originates from a scrape conducted by an associate affiliated with The Reconnaissance General Bureau and subsequently shared with me. The data has been converted into a CSV format with the following header: uid, name, area, sex, friend count. This dataset comprises a total of 63,259,524 lines of information.
It's important to note that this incident involves a data breach, and...

This security incident resulted in the disclosure of...

A new database dump containing information publicly disclosed:

[URL='https://b1nd.net/resources/weibo-com-database-leaked-63-2m-user-records-exposed.46/']Weibo.com Database Leaked - 63.2M User Records Exposed! - Chinese microblogging website Sina Weibo (us.weibo.com) suffered a data scrape.

[URL='https://b1nd.net/resources/weibo-com-database-leaked-63-2m-user-records-exposed.46/']This security incident resulted in the disclosure of...
thank you for sharing