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Whoosh-bike.ru Database Leaked - 7.2M User Records Exposed!

Whoosh-bike.ru Database Leaked - 7.2M User Records Exposed!


Staff member
A new database dump containing information publicly disclosed:

Whoosh-bike.ru Database Leaked - 7.2M User Records Exposed! - Russian scooter rental service, experienced a data breach, exposing 7m lines.

In November 2022, Whoosh, a Russian scooter rental service, experienced a data breach, exposing 7.23 million records containing emails, phone numbers, usernames, and information about the presence/absence of bank cards.

{"id": "1ab1d9a7-bb80-4b19-852c-7ed052b7cf28", "name": "webadmin", "phone": "+375295555555", "email": "dmitry.oleshkevich@ontravelsolutions.com", "roles": "", "status": "ACTIVE"...

This security incident resulted in the disclosure of...