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Wishbone.com Database Leaked - 9.7M User Records Exposed!

Wishbone.com Database Leaked - 9.7M User Records Exposed!


Staff member
A new database dump containing information publicly disclosed:

Wishbone.com Database Leaked - 9.7M User Records Exposed! - Wishbone, known for comparing various topics, experienced a data breach.

In January 2020, the mobile app "Wishbone," known for comparing various topics, experienced a data breach, marking a recurrence from their 2016 incident. A substantial amount of personal information, including 9,705,172 unique email addresses, along with names, phone numbers, geographic locations, and other personal attributes, was compromised and subsequently distributed widely online. The breach also exposed passwords stored as unsalted MD5 hashes. ShinyHunters is identified as the actor...

This security incident resulted in the disclosure of...