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Zipmex.com Database Leaked - 1.4 Million User Records Exposed!

Zipmex.com Database Leaked - 1.4 Million User Records Exposed!


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whlx submitted a new resource:

Zipmex.com Database Leaked - 1.4 Million User Records Exposed! - Zipmex cryptocurrency exchange operational since 2018, suffered a data breach.

The cryptocurrency exchange Zipmex, operating in Singapore since 2018 and providing trading services for various cryptocurrencies, fell victim to a data breach in 2022, affecting 1.4 million users.

Compromised data: ID,Email,"First Name","Last Name","Phone Number","Date Created","IP Address","User Agent",Organization,"Account (previously Organization)","Account ID","Job Title","*[Test] User ID V2","*[Test] Registered At","*[Test] Signup Hostname","*[Test] Is Email Verified","*[Test] Has...

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