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Zomato.com Database Leaked - 16.4M User Records Exposed!

Zomato.com Database Leaked - 16.4M User Records Exposed!


Staff member
A new database dump containing information publicly disclosed:

Zomato.com Database Leaked - 16.4M User Records Exposed! - In May 2017, the restaurant guide website Zomato experienced a data breach.

In May 2017, the restaurant guide website Zomato experienced a data breach, resulting in the public availability of a dataset comprising 17 million entries. This incident involved the redistribution of the data online, which included a combination of email addresses, usernames, and salted MD5 hashes of passwords, primarily from platforms like osCommerce and xt:Commerce (Hashcat Mode: 21).

Compromised data: Email addresses, Hashed Passwords, Plaintext Passwords and Usernames.

This security incident resulted in the disclosure of...