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Zoosk.com Dehashed Combolists Leaked - 53M User Records Exposed!

Zoosk.com Dehashed Combolists Leaked - 53M User Records Exposed!


Staff member
A new database dump containing information publicly disclosed:

Zoosk.com Dehashed Combolists Leaked - 53M User Records Exposed! - Dating website Zoosk 53 million user records exposed.

In an incident dating back to approximately 2011, a data breach involving a vast dataset, allegedly associated with the dating website Zoosk, became known. This dataset contained nearly 53 million records, primarily consisting of email addresses and plain text passwords. However, it's essential to note that upon rigorous examination and verification in May 2016, no conclusive evidence was found to confirm that this data actually originated from Zoosk. As a result, this breach has been...

This security incident resulted in the disclosure of...