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Latest Official Leaks

[UPDATE] Exclusive - USA Cellphone Database 183 Million Records whlx
183 million records containing full names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses.
[UPDATE] Exclusive - 200 Million Records (Twitter Database/Scrape Leak) whlx
Exposure of over 200 million records containing email addresses, names, and Twitter account details.
Instant Cryptocurrency Exchange | Crypto Swap 1.2M Users whlx
Cryptocurrency exchange platform includes information on deposits and escrow transactions.
Twitter Data Scraped 53M (Records from 2021) - 50GB whlx
2021 data containing over 53 million records has been compromised on twitter.
LinkedIn Updated 27 Country Sorted - 100 million users whlx
Countries have individuals affected by the LinkedIn data breach, with their personal details exposed
American Companies and FBI (Infragard.org) 87k User Records Exposed! whlx
Infagard suffered a data breach in early 2022, where the data of 80,000 users was compromised.
INDIA - ICMR Leaks Aadhar and Passports 815 Million (With Selfies, Addresses) whlx
Full Indian Aadhar and PAN cards, along with sensitive information such as selfies, addresses etc.
Twitter.com Parsed & Cleaned - 221M User Records Exposed! whlx
Personal details of 221m lines Twitter users, including their email addresses etc have been leaked.
Whoosh-bike.ru Database Leaked - 7.2M User Records Exposed! whlx
Russian scooter rental service, experienced a data breach, exposing 7m lines.

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